英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:59:42
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. They do not favour hasty steps along the road to a deregulation of the yuan in the world markets.

2. China has said it could be a long term process, but what reform plans do you favour now?

do a favour的解释

1. Would you be so kind as to do me a favour?

2. Will you do it for me as a personal favour?

3. do a favour是什么意思

3. If he does you a favour, you should do him a favour.''.

4. If he does you a favour, you should do him a favour. One good turn deserves another.

5. In spite of this matter and whether you are relevant or not, as long as the customer finds out your head up, you have to be responsible for a satisfied reply to the customer, disallowing to lend to have nothing to do with the oneself or oneself favour but push the customer to the other people, disallow more disaffection of increase the customer again.

6. And I shall be still more obliged if you will favour me with a few minutes'conversation before you do so.

7. We've still got one last chance this season, one last crack if Arsenal do us a favour.

8. When, then, we ask whether we are to give in our free assent to any particular statement or not, we feel that in the first place we cannot do so unless there be strong extrinsic evidence in its favour, for to believe a thing merely because we wished to do so would be absurd.

9. do a favour是什么意思

9. Even the old man`s political protection would run for cover. Do me a favour.

10. Do sb. a favour: do sth. to help sb.


11. I'm sorry. Do us a favour. Don't do it.
对不起 -帮帮忙,别那么做

12. The cumulative effect of the sun''s rays causes a multitude of damage to skin, but it''s never too late to start protecting skin from the sun. There is clinical evidence that once you start protecting the skin, it has the ability to repair itself. This repair is not going to happen overmight; it''s a gradual process that can take a couple years to yield significant results. Do your skin a favour and start the day with a layer of sunscreen. And remember to wear sunscreen during the winter. Just because you don''t feel the sun''s rays, doesn''t mean its harmful UVA and UVB rays are not penetrating your skin. If you can see shadows, you need to protect your skin

13. Do some shopping/make a speech/make... mistake/make up one's minddo one's homework/do... a favour/do... job/do... work/do exercisemake... promise/make conversation

14. do a favour

14. Do sb. a favour

15. do a favour的反义词

15. A favourdo a favour for sb.

16. do a favour的翻译

16. Do sb a favour=do a favur for sb
帮助某人 22。


17. Do sb. a favour do a favour for sb.

18. Do a favour for sb.

19. If you're willing to do me a favour...

20. do a favour是什么意思

20. Can you do me a favour....

  • 临近词

In the latest polling, a majority of voters do, in fact, favour putting the decision on a ballot, although their support has been declining.(事实上,最近的一次民意调查显示,虽然选民支持度一直在下降,他们大多数还是赞成采用无记名投票来做出决定。)
To do so would mean turning the permanent collection into a vast loan bank. The pictures would be constantly travelling to other museums, so that these museums would return the favour and lend theirs.(这样做意味着这些永恒的收藏将会变成一个巨大的贷款银行,这些作品将会不断地被运到其它的博物馆,而这些博物馆的作品也会借给大英博物馆。)
John: Excuse me, cristina, can you do me a favour?(对不起,克莉丝汀娜,你能帮我一个忙吗?)
If circumstances do not favour her at the time (perhaps the father has deserted her) the cost to her total reproductive output of bringing up a child may exceed the risk of killing it.(如果此时环境不利于她(可能孩子的父亲抛弃了她),那么抚养孩子,这作为她生殖的总体产物,其代价要超过杀死这个孩子所冒的风险。)
The European Union would also do these countries a huge favour if it were willing to hold out the prospect, however distant, of their becoming members.(欧盟也会给这些国家很大的优惠,无论距离多远都允许他们加入。)
Excuse me, could you do me a favour?(对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗?)
Could you do me a favour?(你能帮我个忙吗?)
Sam: Look, can you do me a favour?(瞧,能行行好吗?)
But he browbeats however: I will answer birthplace tomorrow, see you still can do a favour for who!(可他却威胁道:“我明天就回故乡去,看你们还能为谁做好事!”)
Do you usually dish out criticism to someone who's doing you a favour?(你经常会对帮你的人指指点点吗?)
do a favour是什么意思 do a favour在线翻译 do a favour什么意思 do a favour的意思 do a favour的翻译 do a favour的解释 do a favour的发音 do a favour的同义词